The first step in the process is planning that allows definition of categories, evaluation criteria, scoring matrix and the newspaper advert where applicable.
The above information is used in building the online evaluation criteria templates that bidders use to complete their bid submissions.
Upon payment, the bidder receives an automated email confirming payment and a receipt is issued. The bidder then gets access to the categories paid for and is able to respond to the bid.
After the bidding period is closed, bidders no longer have access to their bids. Tendersure™ then automatically evaluates and scores the submissions from bidders according to the evaluation criteria captured during the creation of the online templates.
Tendersure™ enables an electronic quality check on the documents submitted by bidders. In doing so, the validity of the documents is verified with key regulatory bodies such as:
- Revenue Authority – validity of tax compliance certificate;
- Local County Council – validity of the business/trade license;
- National Construction Authority (NCA) – validity of construction compliance certificates for Construction companies;
- Professional certification bodies.
A due diligence exercise is conducted for unknown suppliers who have met the required threshold/passmark. This is important so as to ensure that the winning bidders have the necessary quality in their products and also have the capacity to deliver. Due diligence may involve calling or visiting the supplier’s references to ascertain the quality of goods or services the bidder has offered elsewhere, obtaining and testing samples where necessary, and visiting the suppliers’ premises to ascertain the existence of physical business premises. The results of the due diligence process are captured in the Tendersure system for future reference.
This involves review, approval, and ratification of the recommendations from the Tendersure™ supplier sourcing process. In addition, the Tendersure™ system automatically sends feedback letters to all bidders after final approval by the Buyer. Tendersure™ is offered as a managed service and the output is an electronic supplier master database in a CSV flat-file format with all the information.
All the documents that are attached to the bids by the bidders are stored in the Tendersure™ database on the cloud. Tendersure™ servers are hosted and maintained by Amazon Web Services (AWS) which is built with the highest standards of privacy and data security. These documents are available for the period required by law on document retention for different jurisdictions.